The body of a Baloch student activist was found on 16 July, five months after he was taken into custody by the paramilitary Frontier Corps. Ten other Baloch men, detained at the same time, are in grave danger of the same fate.
"˜We Can Torture, Kill, or Keep You for Years' - Pakistan's security forces
Following is the story of teenage Nasir Dagarzai Baloch who was first abducted on January 23rd, 2011, along with other colleagues Rasool Baksh, Abid Saleem and Mehrab Baloch. On January 27, four days later, they were shot and dumped in Panjgoor area. Nasir Baloch miraculously survived despite being critically injured and dumped.
Balochistan has a history of secularism and we have not adopted this terminology because of its popularity in today's political forum, rather for centuries we the Baloch have coexisted with Christians, Hindus and other none Muslims.
HRW: Hold Military, Paramilitary Troops Accountable for Abuses
Spydevold said she had faced a brick-wall for one and half years now as she pursued the Pakistani authorities to release her client.
With Afghanistan to the west and Iran to the southwest, Baluchistan is scarred by its own long-simmering war - of mutilated corpses, bombed pipelines, and missing lawyers and academics.
Report of an HRCP fact-finding mission
KARACHI, Jun 23, 2011 (IPS) - The pain and anger in 25-year-old Rukhsana Langho's voice could be heard over the telephone line from Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province, 700 kms north of the port city of Karachi. "We hate Pakistan and we want freedom," she says, bitter over the disappearance of her brother more than a year ago.
Balochistan has a history of secularism and we have not adopted this terminology because of its popularity in today's political forum, rather for centuries we the Baloch have coexisted with Christians, Hindus and other none Muslims.