The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that in recent days illegal arrests, abduction, killings and disappearances by the law enforcement agencies have increased in Balochistan province after the announcement by the Federal Interior minister that a lesson must be taught to Balochi insurgents by any means necessary.
"Excellency, history has shown us that indifference and silence never resolved anything. On the contrary, scrutinizing and speaking out against systematic abusers of human rights can make an unmistakable and lasting difference. We welcome any mediation and political initiative by the United Nations to resolve the Baloch question according to the UN charters and mandate and promotion of human rights in the region."
The Pakistani government must investigate the torture and killings of more than 40 Baloch leaders and political activists over the past four months, Amnesty International said today.
Two more bullet-riddled bodies of Baloch missing persons were recovered from a desolate place of Mastung, some 50 kilometers from provincial capital, on Thursday morning. The family members accused security forces of killings during their illegal detention.
A well-known Baloch leader has cried foul after the Home Office rejected his political asylum application.
Torture in custody in Pakistan is endemic because of the absence of any law against torture which provides impunity to the perpetrators. Torture in custody is a serious problem affecting the rule of law in Pakistan. It is used as the most common means to obtain confessional statements. As yet, there has been no serious effort by the government to make torture a crime in the country.
Foundations, nonprofits, NGOs"”call them what you will"”can on occasion perform nobly, but overall their increasing power moves in step with the temper of our times: privatization of political action, directly overseen and manipulated by the rich and their executives. The tradition of voluntarism is extinguished by the professional, very well-paid do-good bureaucracy.
Fatima Baloch: "One wonders why the issue has raised no concerns among the allies of Pakistan who seem concerned about almost anything that happens in Pakistan. There are eight to ten thousand Balochs missing, as claimed by Baloch nationalists, since 2001 but very few have been resurfaced."
Pakistani security agencies do their own 'surge': Balochistan sees great increase in abductions of Baloch by Pakistani security agencies and military since July 2010
Pakistani security agencies do their own 'surge': Balochistan sees great increase in abductions of Baloch by Pakistani security agencies and military since July 2010