You are respectfully requested to attend the following open hearing of the Oversight and Investigations to be held in Room 2200 of the Rayburn House Office Building.
Let's talk about creating a Balochistan in the southern part of Pakistan," Gohmert told The Huffington Post, referring to a region of Pakistan that constitutes nearly half that vital if troublesome ally.
Dr. Zaffar Baloch, the President of Baloch Human Rights Council - Canada, unmasked the historical myths and lies of the Pakistani establishment about Balochistan in an interview given to a Canadian channel. - BaluchSarmachar
Baloch national leader Dr. Allah Nazar has welcomed the American State Department statement against the human rights abuses, enforced disappearances, custodial and target killings of Baloch activists by Pakistan saying that it was a positive step, provided it was not a pressure tactic for obtaining other objectives.
"The Balochistan issue is a test case for the international community" - Munir Mengal
Tarek Fateh interview with host Tahir Gora on Bilatakalluf
On December 22, 2011, the Italian Government officially discussed the detention of journalist Frances Marino in Pakistan. Below is a google translation of the proceedings posted at Camera dei deputati.
A Polish Euro MP has condemned Pakistan's kill and dump policy of journalists and other civilians in Balochistan. Ryszard Czarnecki, Member of the European Parliament and the Chairman of the Friends of Balochistan in the European Parliament, said the Pakistani Government claims that the number of missing persons in Balochistan has declined; it is only because many of them have lately been found dead.
Italian journalist Francesca Marino was detained at Pakistan's Karachi airport after authorities discovered her name had been added to a blacklist of unwelcome journalists. Her account of the event has been published both in Pakistan and in Italy.
Tensions in Balochistan between nationalist elements and security forces seem to be soaring. Soon we may not be far from a situation similar to the one we saw in the 2000s, when what amounted to all-out-war rocked the province