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ISI listed as terrorist organization by U.S. authorities

Excerpt from "Matrix of Threat Indicators for Enemy Combatants." The assessment is believed to have been made in 2007. (NY Times)

"The following is a list of terrorist and terrorist support entities identified as associate forces. This list is not all inclusive but provides the primary organizations encountered in the reporting from and about JTF-GTMO detainees . . . [48] Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Directorate [ISID]"

(S//NF) Associated forces are those militant forces and organizations with which alQaida, the al-Qaida network, or the Taliban had or has an established working, supportive, or beneficiary relationship for the achievement of common goals. Associated forces are identified in intelligence reports and US government terrorism lists. These lists include, but are not limited to: The Department of State list of designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs)36 Department of State Country Reports on Terrorism, which include FTO and the Other Groups of Concern list37 The Patriot Act Terrorist Exclusion List, also published by the Department of State38 The Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list39 Additional guidance is provided by the National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF)40 Other terrorist organizations, terrorist support entities, and individuals identified in assessments, intelligence reporting and US Government designated terrorism lists (S//NF) The following is a list of terrorist and terrorist support entities identified as associate forces. This list is not all inclusive but provides the primary organizations encountered in the reporting from and about JTF-GTMO detainees. Through associations with these groups and organizations, a detainee may have provided support to al-Qaida or the Taliban, or engaged in hostilities against US or Coalition forces.41 Afghan Support Committee (Afghan Support Group) [ASC, ASG] Al-Muhajiroun [ALM]43 Al-Itihad Al-Islami [AIAI]42 Al-Qaida Network44 36 This list is designed to heighten public awareness and international concern of terrorist organizational activities and to support efforts to curb terrorist financing 37 This list includes those organizations that are not designated as an FTO under 8 USC Section 1189. 38 39, used in determinations of asset freezing or forfeiture. 40 The NIPF guides the operation, planning, and programming of US intelligence analysis and collection. 41 Known or suspected of wittingly or unwittingly providing support or cover to al-Qaida or other terrorist organizations, the nature of the association needs to be further refined before an EC determination can be made. A full list of managers or employees of specific NGO branches and offices supporting al-Qaida or other terrorist organizations has not yet been published. 42 This is the East Africa group, not the Itihad in Afghanistan connected to Rasul Sayyaf. 43 References to this should be specific in that it is an actual organization. Al-Muhajiroun/Muhajirun itself is Arabic for "Emigrants" and can be used to describe those coming to Afghanistan to live, but also those who came to participate in jihad.

S E C R E T // NOFORN // 20320915 Ansar al-Islam [AI] Armed Islamic Group [GIA] East Africa al-Qaida [EAAQ] Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party [ETIP] Gama"a Islamia [GI]46 Harakat Al-Mujahideen [HUM] Hezb-I-Islami-Gulbuddin (AMC Entity) [HIG] Hizballah Islah Party Islamic Movement of Tajikistan (ACM Entity) [IMT] Islamic Salvation Front [FIS] Jaysh Al-Muhammad [JEM] Libyan Islamic Fighting Group [LIFG]47 Moro Islamic Liberation Front [MILF] Muslim Brotherhood [MB]48 Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Directorate [ISID]44

Anti-Coalition Militia [ACM]45 Council of Islamic Courts [CIC] East Turkistan Islamic Movement [ETIM] Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad [EIJ] HAMAS Harakat-Ul-Jihad-I-Islami [HUJI] Hezb-I-Islami-Khalis-(ACM Entity) [HIK] Iranian Intelligence Islamic Jihad Union (Islamic Jihad Group) [IJU, IJG] Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan [IMU] Jama"at Al-Islami [JI] Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (and its political wing MDI) [LT] Maktab Al-Khadimat [MK] Moroccan Islamic Combat Group [GICM] North African Extremist Network49 Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs [RSRSBCM]

Includes references of the Al-Qaida Movement, The al-Qaida Network, the Global Jihad Support Network [GJSN], the UBL Network, and the North African Extremist Network, 55th Arab Brigade (alQaida"s militant organization supporting the Taliban), and the organizations associated to them if they are not listed separately in this table. The Global Jihad Support Network is composed of individuals, most of whom are from North Africa, the Levant, or Saudi Arabia, and who reside in those countries, Europe, or South Asia. The network provides various services, including logistics and fundraising, and helps move operatives from country to country as needed. 45 This includes elements of numerous groups including al-Qaida, Taliban, HIG and other terrorist organizations which are currently, and cooperatively, engaged in hostilities with US and coalition forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is a US term to identify those cooperative organizations, and the term is not used by those organizations themselves. 46 The Gama"a Islamiya can be spelled as Jama"at al-Islamiyah. This is an Egyptian terrorist organization, separate from the similarly spelled Asia-based JI, and the EIJ. 47 It is important to note that these organizations may be represented by their Arabic equivalents and aliases in reporting. 48 The MB, aka (Ikhwan e Muslimin), is not a designated terrorist group, but does have ties to extremist organizations. 49 Until the creation of the group designation "Global Jihad Support Network" (GJSN), the term used in the IICT list, now the NIPF list, was the "North African Extremist Network" (NAEN). The IICT abolished the use of NAEN when they created the GJSN. At the time, the LIFG was grouped into the NAEN and subsequently was included in the GJSN with the terminology, ". . . composed of individuals, most of them from North Africa. . ." The LIFG"s separate designation in the IICT, like the other North African groups, applies to those functions of the organizations operating on a national (their home country). The separate designations do not apply to the international realm in support of the al-Qaida network and those organizations which supported it in Central Asia where these detainees were arrested; instead the NAEN/GJSN designation applies. JTF-GTMO, with EUCOM LNO assistance, is attempting to obtain a list of the organizations that fall within the GJSN and an official explanation of its relationship to the North African groups.

S E C R E T // NOFORN // 20320915 Salafist Group for Call and Combat [GSPC] Takfir wa Hijra [TAKFIR] Tunisian Combat Group [TCG] Yemeni Intelligence [PSO] Active Islamic Youth NGO Al-Akhtar Trust NGO Al-Haramayn International Foundation NGO (HIF, HIFA) Salafiya Jihadia (SJ) Taliban Tunisian Islamic Front [precursor to Tunisian Combat Group, TCG] [FIT] Zarqawi Network (al-Qaida in Iraq) African Muslim Association (sometimes Agency) NGO (AMA) Al-Furqan NGO Al-Wafa Humanitarian Organization NGO, al-Wafa al-Islamiya, Munathima Wafa lalA"mal al-Agathia, Munathima Wafa lalA"mal al-Ansania, Wafa Global Relief Foundation NGO (GRF) International Islamic Relief Organization NGO [IIRO] Kuwaiti Joint Relief Committee NGO [KJRC] Maktab al-Khidmat NGO [MK] Qatari Joint Committee for Relief NGO Revival of Islamic Heritage Society NGO [RIHS] Saudi High Commission for Relief NGO [SHCR] Ummah Tameer Nau NGO [UTN]

Benevolence International Foundation (Lajnat Al-Bir Al-Islami) NGO [BIF] Human Appeal International NGO Jama"at Al-Tablighi NGO [JT]50 Lajnat Al-Dawa Al-Islamiya NGO [LDI] Muslim World League NGO Rashid Trust NGO Sanabil NGO Taibah NGO World Assembly of Muslim Youth NGO [WAMY]50

Affiliation with the JT, a proselytizing organization, has been identified as an al-Qaida cover story. AlQaida used the JT to facilitate and fund the international travels of its members.
