Certain western capitals that tow US foreign policy understand this great game well and extend hospitality to Baloch nationalist politicians, as do the US senators who sponsor resolutions in their senate, sidestepping the legally vexing question of how Nasir Khan I could, in the first place, "˜grant' Gwadar to Al Bu Sai'd of Muscat who was a "˜refugee' in the territory of the Khan of Kalat in the 18th century - an act for which Pakistan had to pay $3 million nearly a century later.
The Pakistani government has finally decided to take away the control of the Gwadar Port from the Port of Singapore Authority (P.S.A.) and hand it over to China. On Monday, President Asif Ali Zardari formally presided over a signing ceremony of handing over the Gwadar port to China Overseas Ports Holding Company Limited.
In a statement issued from London, Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri said China should not act as a partner in crime with Pakistan to exploit Baloch national wealth.
A damning report on the state of education in Balochistan, Pakistan's most deprived province, has revealed that 34.1% of children aged between six and 16 are not enrolled in schools.
During the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, the challenging multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline was approved, while a deal transferring the management of the Gwadar port from Singapore to China was also given the go-ahead.
The federal cabinet used one of its final meetings to make some key decisions with potentially far-reaching implications for Islamabad's ties with Washington.
During the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, the challenging multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline was approved, while a deal transferring the management of the Gwadar port from Singapore to China was also given the go-ahead.
The Community Welfare Development Society is a self-directed not-for-profit organization initiating in the rural as well as urban areas of Balochistan. On October 2002 CWDS was registered under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961 (XL VI of 1961) as a non-profit organization dedicated to rural development in the province of Balochistan.
(Speech in English begins at :17 seconds)
Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has released the initial report over the devastation caused by torrential rains in Balochistan and 682 villages were completely destroyed while 5000 livestock were swept away.
Due to great interest from various organisations and individuals abroad, The Constitutional Society in Iceland has obtained and published an independent English translation of The Constitutional Bill delivered by The Constitutional Council 29 July 2011.
The Eskimos-of the Arctic Slope-are opposed-to the
building of the pipeline for the recovery of oil from our lands.
"The strategy is to unite the Shuar like the fingers of a fist," Ankuash tells me as I prepare to dive into the icy waters of the lagoon below. "The forest has always given us everything we need, and we are planning to defend it, as our ancestors would, with the strength of the spear. To get the gold, they will have to kill every one of us first."