In Balochistan, the lives of Baloch journalists, intellectuals, students and activists are very tenuous. Newspapers reported that on August 18 and 19, a total of eight bodies of missing persons were found from Pasni, Hub and Mastung areas. Four of these were found in Mastung, which the Baloch claim were in retaliation for the attack on Siraj Raisani. The terror against the Baloch people has been outsourced by the army and the FC to death squads going under names such as Baloch Mussala Diffa Tanzeem and Tehreek Nifaz Aman Balochistan, which are run from Mastung and Khuzdar.
Half-hearted denials and condemnations are not going to appease the tormented and agonised families who lose their dear ones nor hoodwink the people who struggle for their rights
The states in general are obsessed with their sham ideologies or at times enticed by multi-nationals and lending bodies forget that the people are of primary importance. This obsession is so strong that even parties ideologically committed to peoples' rights and welfare become anti-people
The states in general are obsessed with their sham ideologies or at times enticed by multi-nationals and lending bodies forget that the people are of primary importance. This obsession is so strong that even parties ideologically committed to peoples' rights and welfare become anti-people
Why is it that the armed forces and the government disregard the rights of the Baloch people who were a reluctant partner in the first place, and have now increasingly become alienated and seek a radical solution for the cure of their oppression and deprivation?
The crimes of Israel against the Palestinians, in comparison to all ethnic cleansers, are more serious, more debilitating, more persistent and more likely to continue if the US keeps supporting it