The respect that the Arab princes and rulers accord to the rulers and politicians here is apparent from the choice epithets used for them in WikiLeaks. Some are considered dirty but not dangerous and others are dangerous but not dirty, and yet these shameless people go grovelling to their liege lords like serfs and subjects
The atrocities in Balochistan are just as bad as Indian atrocities in Kashmir or Israeli atrocities in Palestine. While those are vehemently condemned here, the silence on this dirty war is truly deafening
Unfortunately, the horizon is bleak and the situation across the board is pathetic. There is not much around on which hopes can be pinned. Some actors are new but most have been around for donkeys of years, pun intended, and always have had their snouts in the trough.
Sardar Raisani deludes himself so often that it is difficult to take him seriously at all. He overlooks the fact that when even his orders regarding provincial matters are dismissively countermanded, how can he offer services as an independent entity to NATO and the ISAF?
Most people live in a make-believe world of their own in which a Kalmah-reciting person considers himself superior to others who do not. This was clearly demonstrated when the coffin containing the mortal remains of Air Blue disaster victim Prem Chand was emblazoned across its length with the word kafir.
Any self-respecting government would have resigned long ago but this toothless and powerless CM and cabinet continue to selflessly serve the Centre and persist in hoodwinking people with bluster and false promises.